We have definitely reached a point of no return. A lot of people think that solar and wind energies are going to solve the energy crisis we are facing. Well, I have news for you folks: those two sources of energy are intermittent; therefore, there is no guarantee that they will produce the energy we require. A lot has been done in terms of saving energy with our cars and electrical appliances at home, but that's still not enough. The society we live in is hungry for energy to power our computer gadgets and all electrical gadgets just we use on a daily basis. On top of all that, the world population is growing at an alarming rate.
The fact is that there is no simple solution, but we must start looking for alternatives. Luckily, those alternatives already exist, but governments have to change the current legislation to stop benefiting those who have become the owners of the energy we use. Here in Spain, we have to pay taxes for the solar energy we produce. That is absolutely ridiculous. As a matter of fact, Germany produces a lot more solar energy than we do with 1/3 of the solar hours we have.
Every country produces enough biomass that can be burned and turned into heat and then into electricity. In Latin America and many Asian countries, rice husk is used in the drying process and the heat surplus to produce electricity. Those countries that are not oil producers can finally count on different alternatives. Here in Europe, the pellet industry is flourishing; we are experiencing an important increase in the use of pellets to heat homes. The heat produced by wood pellets is very enticing and cheap compared to electricity and gas.
Here you have the links of two companies that are making an important effort to change things around. We sincerely hope you take a look at these websites, for they are doing a great job.